We are excited to be supporting Brandon and Amanda Brown with Campus Outreach for the months of July and August. They are serving in Thailand. See below for their update and prayer requests. Stay updated by liking our Facebook page and please forward this email onto your friends and family. And be sure to check out some of the new products from our stores below.
Ministry Update
Summer is coming to an end and rainy season is just around the corner! We just finished up our COSC, Campus Outreach Summer Camp, a 4 week English camp to attract non-Christian students. We have different workshops such as: life skills, public speaking, fitness training, baking, photography, and art (Amanda was the teacher in this workshop). Through all of these, we have many opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus!

Last week of Summer Camp at the beach with 50 Thai students and 30 American students.
Experience Summer Camp with us! Hear and see real testimonies!Our last week at camp, we took our students to the beach where we have many meetings and seminars to help them learn more about God since most of the students don’t even believe in a creator. We use the Scriptures to help the students see their sin and their need for a Saviour. This year we’ve had several students take an interest in learning more about God by committing to a weekly Bible study! We’ve also seen one boy and girl decide to follow Christ, Boi and Pingpong! They also decided to attend our 2 week Thai Summer Project which follows right after Summer Camp specifically for Christians.

Our Thai Summer Project students learning how to walk daily with God

Last week of Summer Camp at the beach with 50 Thai students and 30 American students.
Experience Summer Camp with us! Hear and see real testimonies!Our last week at camp, we took our students to the beach where we have many meetings and seminars to help them learn more about God since most of the students don’t even believe in a creator. We use the Scriptures to help the students see their sin and their need for a Saviour. This year we’ve had several students take an interest in learning more about God by committing to a weekly Bible study! We’ve also seen one boy and girl decide to follow Christ, Boi and Pingpong! They also decided to attend our 2 week Thai Summer Project which follows right after Summer Camp specifically for Christians.

Our Thai Summer Project students learning how to walk daily with God
Experience Summer Camp with this video! Hear and see real testimonies!